February 18, 2018

Modified Sony RX0 with a M4/3 or C-Mount Lens 超強改裝!~✹Video Footage

Remember when this 1-inch sensor little black box (Sony RX0) was out last year, the first thing I thought of is whether I could attach a Moondog Lab anamorphic, C-mount or even a Nikon/Canon Lens on it. Actually, I wrote an article about this. Yeah, I love its small size, but a fixed focus 24mm lens limits its usage. 

There are companies designed DOF (Depth of Field) adapters to allow people to use Canon or Nikon Lens with their smartphones. Well, but the pricey RX0 has a much smaller market, I don't expect any company would develop similar product for this camera. 

To my surprise, this week I read a piece of interesting news. Back-Bone Gear, a Canadian company specializes in selling modified GoPro or Yi action cameras just announced, they will also provide modified Sony RX0.   

Their modification adds a Micro four thirds (MFT) lens mount to this compact camera, so it could now use all M3/4 Lens (manual focus only). With other adapters, it could also use C-Mount, Nikon or Canon lens. The package named Ribcage RX0 (US$1,099) includes a modified Sony RX0, a C-Mount Ring, a Removable IR-cut filter ... etc.. 

It sounds very attractive, but I have to remind you. Since your RX0 had been modified, I don't think you would got an official warranty any more.  

記得Sony RX0上年剛面世時,我第一時間想到﹝*看我之前的   文章﹞若然這部擁有1吋感光CMOS的「小黑盒」能夠裝上各式焦距的C-Mount鏡頭或者Moondog Labs的Anamorphic 電影鏡,馬上會變得相當吸引。別以為我太天馬行空,早有一些Startup公司,如Beastgrip Pro等,為手機推出DOF Depth of Field﹞接環,令手機也可以裝上Nikon、Canon鏡頭來拍攝  ﹝當然只能手動對焦﹞。如此手機也可拍出Boken淺景深、超長鏡等「單反」效果。

何況手機的感光元件通常大小只有1/2.5 ~ 1/3吋,比起RX0的1吋細小很多,影像質素也差很遠。可借買手機的人始終比起買RX0的人多無數倍,我以為沒有公司會為它研發類似的產品。不過凡事總有奇蹟。

剛收到消息,一間來自加拿大,叫 Back-Bone Gear 的公司,以往專門銷售自家改裝版本的GoPro或者小米Yi Action Camera,可以接上C或者CF-Mount鏡頭。好端端一部Action Cam為何要改裝?原因很多,一些人是不喜歡跟機內置的魚眼鏡太wide,影物變型太跨張。一些愛接上有微距功能的Macro鏡頭,拍攝昆蟲。一些想移走機身內置的IR漏鏡,拍攝紅外線夜視影像。

起初以為這類有另類癖好的人類是小眾,殊不知竟然有公司專服務這批客人。Back-Bone Gear剛宣布推出改裝版本的Ribcage RX0 (售價US$1,099)相機套裝,可接上M43、C-Mount甚至Nikon、Canon等SLR鏡頭,套裝更包括可移除的IR-Cut濾鏡。

是否很也想入手一部?提醒你們,因為這類改裝Action Camera不只是加一個接環那麼簡單,涉及「深入」改動,因此大家別期望繼續享有原廠保養。選擇「另類」始終是要付出代價的!

The modified Ribcage RX0 footage samples 

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