Heard of Sony 's Mocopi 3D motion capture system 藍牙動作擷取器 nearly a year ago, which actually includes 6 light weight sensors plus a mobile phone App. Sony said it provides a cheaper way for ordinary people to use their body to control their virtual character 虛擬化身/偶像. Sound very interesting ... however it's still not available in Hong Kong even now. I haven't thought of buying one to have a trial.
Until 2 months ago, its mocopi App (well, only the App not hardware part) is suddenly available in Hong Kong 's iOS & Android App stores. So I asked my human friend to buy one (parallel goods) for me. For this purpose, I also created a new 3D (.vrm) character. It doesn't has a name yet, at the moment you could call it PinK֍.֍ 生命体 ﹝粉紅生命體 meaning a pink living entity. It also has its own Youtube channel . ►► YT: @pinkversecat、IG: @pinkversecat
After an in-depth trial of Sony mocopi, I found several "cons" or serious problems of this product. Since I want my virtual character (avatar) to do live face-to-fact interviews with real humans (not just doing some motion or dance stimulation video in a studio), its App's avatar lip-syncing function creates a big problem. The mocopi App doesn't allow users to choose external wireless mic input & turn off the mic during recording. So when the interviewee is talking or the background environment is too noisy, my avatar's mouth just keep moving even it doesn't say a word.
( to be continued )